Business Enterprise Center
Thinking about starting a new business? The Clovis Business Enterprise Center can help!
The Clovis Business Enterprise Center is a division of the Clovis Industrial Development Corporation and the Clovis Chamber of Commerce. The Business Enterprise Center is a one-stop business development center location at 105 East Grand Avenue.
One of the programs offered at the Enterprise Center is business incubation. The incubator program can provide office space and support services for start-up business ventures. The Clovis Business Enterprise Center is a proud member of the “New Mexico Certified Business Incubator Program”.
The Business Enterprise Center incubation programs are structured to guide entrepreneurs through those early years that are so vital to the success of new business ventures. In most cases, clients will have attained a level of business success enabling them to move to their own facility within three years thus freeing space in the incubator for new entrepreneurs just starting out.
If you are interested in learning more about the Clovis Business Enterprise Center, please call (575) 763-6600.