Program Benefits
Resume Support
Remote Worker Virtual Training
Virtual Job Fairs
Local Resources
Networking Opportunities
Ongoing Support and Community for Remote Workers

What is Clovis Remote?
A program designed to connect individuals in New Mexico with remote working job opportunities. As a gigabit city with high-speed fiber internet, Clovis is a prime location to begin your remote working career.
Having a great internet connection and professional skills can give you a competitive edge. Clovis Remote is not only a training program, but we will also connect you with remote job opportunities through our virtual job fairs and employer outreach initiatives. Clovis Remote is perfect for anyone looking for full-time or part-time remote jobs throughout New Mexico.
We are committed to helping you land a remote working job.
How to Register
- STEP 1 - Register for one of our upcoming informational webinars to see if Clovis Remote is the right fit for you! Click the link below to view a schedule of upcoming webinars.
PLEASE NOTE – You must attend an informational webinar to be eligible for training through Clovis Remote.
- STEP 2 - After completing the informational webinar, eligible candidates will be able to register for the Clovis Remote training course.
Please contact us at remote@clovisedc.com.
Clovis Remote is sponsored by the Clovis Economic Development and the Clovis/Curry County Chamber of Commerce. Partners include the City of Clovis, New Mexico Workforce Connection, and Plateau.